What to Expect From Electrolysis vs. Laser Hair Removal Therapy?

It’s no secret that many of us have thin, fine hair on our faces. Even though most people may not be bothered about it, if your face has overgrown hair that makes you feel uncomfortable or unattractive, there are many ways to get rid of them.

For example, waxing and shaving are the most popularly used methods to eliminate unnecessary body hair. However, when it comes to the face, you may want to explore a more long-lasting option, such as Electrolysis or Laser hair removal therapy.

Nowadays, permanent hair removal in North Vancouver is becoming highly popular, but the question that comes to any person’s mind is, “which one should I choose?”. So, if you are wondering whether you should opt for Electrolysis or Laser hair removal, here is some important information about both methods to help you decide.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal uses light radiation from a high-heat laser. The goal is to damage the hair follicles enough to cause hair growth to slow down significantly. The effect lasts longer than at-home hair removal methods such as shaving, but laser treatment does not give permanent results. Long-term hair removal requires multiple treatments.


Laser hair removal can be done anywhere on the face and body except the eye area. This makes the system different in its use. There is also a short recovery period involved.  

Although new hairs may still grow, you will notice that they grow slower and are lighter than before. This means that when there is a rebound, it won't feel as heavy as before. This method works best if you have both fair skin and dark hair.

Side Effects and Risks

Laser hair removal does come with some side effects, including:

  • Inflammation

  • Swelling

  • Irritation

  • Blisters

  • Changes in Pigmentation (generally light patches on darker skin)

  • Redness

Minor side effects such as irritation and redness usually go away in a few hours after the procedure. Any symptoms that last longer than this should be discussed with your doctor. Scars and changes in skin texture are rare side effects. 

You can reduce the risk of side effects and permanent skin damage by ensuring that you only seek treatment from a certified dermatologist. Bathrooms and home laser removal are not recommended.

Before the procedure, your dermatologist may apply a pain-relieving cream to ease the discomfort. If you still have pain, talk to your doctor about taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Your doctor may also prescribe steroid creams for severe pain.

Aftercare and Follow-up

  • The common symptoms, such as redness and swelling after the procedure, can be relieved by applying ice or cold compresses to the affected area. 

  • Laser hair removal inhibits hair growth - rather than removing hair - so you'll need a follow-up treatment. Monitoring time is important for this type of treatment.

  • Regular maintenance will also prolong the results. 

  • You will also want to minimize your sun exposure after any laser hair removal, especially during peak hours. It is also recommended to stay out of the sun for exactly six weeks before laser hair removal to avoid pigmentation and damaged skin. 

  • Increasing sun exposure through the process puts you at risk for sunburn. Make sure you wear sunscreen every day. 


Laser hair removal is an optional cosmetic procedure, so it may not be covered under your insurance. The cost varies depending on the number of sessions you may need. You can also discuss a payment plan with your dermatologist. So, if you want to get an estimate for permanent hair removal in North Vancouver, it is recommended to schedule a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist.

What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is another type of permanent hair removal procedure performed by a board-certified dermatologist. It also hinders hair growth. This method works by inserting an epilating device into the skin. It uses short wave radio waves on the hair to prevent new hair growth. This damages your hair to prevent growth and causes existing hair to fall out. 

However, you will still need multiple sessions to get your desired results. Unlike laser hair removal, the procedure is trusted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a permanent solution.


In addition to producing permanent results, electrolysis is more expensive. It can help prevent new hair growth for all skin and hair types. Electrolysis can also be used anywhere on the body, including the eyelids.

Side Effects and Risks

Minor side effects are common, but they usually go away within a day. Typically, most people suffer from a common symptom which is mild redness due to skin irritation. Pain and swelling are rare.

Possible side effects include infection from unclean needles used during the procedure and scarring. Visiting a board-certified dermatologist can reduce the risk.  

Aftercare and Follow-up

The results of electrolysis are considered to be permanent due to the destruction of the hair. In theory, having damaged hair means that no new hair can grow. These results are not achieved simultaneously. This is especially true if the procedure is done on a large area like your back or an area where hair grows like the pubic area. 

In this process, most people require a weekly or bi-weekly follow-up procedure for the best results. Once the patient’s hair is gone, there would be no need for them for any other sort of treatment. No maintenance is required in electrolysis. 


As with the first method, most insurance does not cover electrolysis. The amount you pay depends on the area being treated and the number of follow-ups required. Some doctors charge an hourly rate. Electrolysis costs less per visit, but you may end up having more sessions than laser treatment.  

Which One Should You Choose?

Both laser and electrolysis treatments produce longer-lasting effects than shaving. However, in electrolysis, the results are typically more permanent. It also has fewer risks and side effects, and you don't need the maintenance treatment required for laser hair removal. 

The only problem is that electrolysis will spread over several sessions. It cannot cover a large area instantly as laser hair removal can. Your choice may depend on how quickly you want to get rid of short hair.

But if you have the patience and want to achieve better results, it’s well worth consulting with professionals at Oxygen Facial Clinic, who have a proven track record in performing successful permanent hair removal procedures.


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